Many people have traumatic experiences growing up.
Unresolved trauma is an active and usually disruptive emotional response to terrible event or experience individuals with childhood trauma show much more depression, anxiety, distorted cognition, personality deficits etc.
Types of trauma -
Separation from a parent
Negligence of child
Sexual abuse
Physical or mental abuse of child
Complex trauma disasters
Traumatic grief
Emotional abuse of child
Community violence
Impacts of childhood trauma-
Mental health
Physical health
Brain development
It just gives them space to sink into the subconscious where they will still impact your emotions and behaviour.
When left and healed, your past trauma cannot only affect your mental and physical health, it can shut your sense of being and severely impact your life
If you have experienced trauma in the past it is likely that you need emotional healing as your you may be unaware of how your suppressed emotions are affecting you.
When do you need emotional healing?
If you have experienced trauma in the past, it is likely that you need emotional healing as you may be unaware of how your suppressed emotions are affecting you
When left and healed, your past trauma cannot only affect your mental and physical health, it can shut your sense of being and severely impact your life
Emotional healing is necessary if you want to feel mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy. If you don’t know the answer then find out the signs that show you need emotional healing. All people will heal that will need emotional healing at some point during their lives
Your trauma is not your fault but healing is your responsibility. - Unknown
Emotional healing is a process of accepting all your painful life experiences and the negative emotional reactions which are generated from them.
It covers -
Dealing with childhood trauma immediately
Identifying core issues with pain
Identifying when the problem started
Seek support and don’t isolate yourself
Clearing limiting beliefs
Make a list of all issues you can remember
Identifying what is a traumatic event
Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns
Triggers or life events
Write your limiting beliefs
Forgive yourself and others
Find a good therapist. They can help you through the dark days probably better than anyone else. That is what they are trained to do.
Life really is better when you heal your emotions. Just keep trying.
Don’t give up on yourself without trying for at least a couple of weeks.
When you decide to seek help, schedule an appointment with Dr. Bakshi.