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Addiction during Covid – 19

Writer's picture: Dr BakshiDr Bakshi

Shamita had an irresistible urge to keep on checking her phone even though she had multiple tasks to accomplish her attention span was reduced her mind kept on diverting and she could not understand why she went from being high focus to being the most unfocused being in her circle. Sooner or later one of her friends who stayed with her understood her habit of being constant and consistent with the internet and other things which kept her hooked and addicted.

It was demonstrated that Shamita when came out from the Pandemic, was so full or dependent on her socials and the internet every time that the reason why she stayed so focused and devoid of her responsibilities because of the ‘addiction habit which she developed Covid -19’

Now the question arises. Can you get away from the addiction that Covid – 19 made you addicted with?

Let’s know how?

In many aspects, COVID-19 has harmed society. People's fear of contracting the COVID-19 epidemic has driven them to withdraw from numerous social activities. Additionally, because only a limited number of activities were permitted, the lockdown tactics further restricted the citizenry, which had negative physical and psychological effects.

Social and emotional connectedness with family, friends, and coworkers is essential at such trying times to cope with the trying time without engaging in self-destructive behaviours.

Isolation can have a detrimental impact on people, leaving them feeling lonely and abandoned and starting a cycle of withdrawal and isolation. Many people attempt to find relief in anti-stress practices in such situations of severe and ongoing oppression. The issue is that some anti-stress activities can have serious and long-lasting negative effects on people, making them unhealthy.

More specifically, since addictive behaviours like excessive gaming, gambling, using illegal substances, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, etc. have a direct and short-term stress-relieving effect, many people turn to them. However, the long-term effects of these behaviours have a serious and detrimental impact on health, perpetuating a bad cycle that is known as addiction.

How addiction takes place?

People often turn to unhealthy or temporary solutions when under severe oppression to try to ease their discomfort. These habits may develop into addiction if these intervals are extended, which would have detrimental long-term effects. This piece of evidence is not novel. Recessions lead to an upsurge in addictions, as numerous studies have already explored and demonstrated. To be more explicit, during economic downturns, binge drinking, intermittent cannabis use, as well as extensive use of hypnotics and sedatives, rise Additionally, there is a connection between binge drinking and unemployment.

food addiction also increased, which appears to be a uniquely important phenotype to identify the COVID-19 pandemic's effects. Due to heightened stress brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, many individuals' diets contained more sugar, which also increased their drinking, sugar cravings, and drinking frequency.

It has been seen as an internet addiction, especially at the time of Covid – 19. Depression and anxiety were also discovered with numerous consequences particularly psychosocial ones Given this situation, problematic internet use and internet gaming disorders grew during the pandemic as more people—mostly young people—turned to excessive gaming, especially those who were confined to their homes Additionally, COVID-19 infection increased the chance of internet addiction and internet gaming problem in affected people.

Way’s how to overcome the addiction which got a birth during Covid – 19.

1. Stay close and connected

The support system you've established for yourself is crucial to maintaining sobriety. Being unable to attend events or socialise with people can make you feel distant from your loved ones. Fortunately, there are methods to keep connected thanks to technological improvements.

For your phone or computer, there are numerous free video chat applications available. The most well-liked applications are zoom, google meet and many more.

2. Have a positive mindset

Attempt to keep your attention on the positive parts despite everything negative. Recognize that the current circumstance is passing and try not to become anxious or stressed out over the newest breaking news. Keep in mind that bad news frequently remains in the memory longer than good news. Nobody is saying you shouldn't keep up with current events but obsessing over them won't help.

3. Build a routine

You can make it as simple or as complex as you'd like but try to include times for: waking up and going to bed.

working at home.

preparing meals; and

performing housework important errands self-care (more on this later) (more on this later) online treatment sessions or virtual activities like reading, crosswords, creating art or watching movies

4. Spend most of your time outdoors.

Spending time in nature has been linked to higher mood, less stress, improved cognition, and many other advantages for mental health, even though this may seem like a coincidence. 8

Finding ways to feel better psychologically can help you get in a better frame of mind for working through substance use issues since mental health disorders and substance abuse frequently go hand in hand9. It might also lessen your desire to use alcohol or drugs as self-medication.

5. Seek help from professionals

Without advice and support, addiction is a complex problem that can be challenging to resolve. A mental health professional can give you the tools you need to combat these cravings and refrain from problematic substance use if you discover that you are using alcohol or drugs more frequently since COVID-19 started or that your urges to use are stronger.

Look for a therapist that you feel comfortable sharing personal information. Your ability to identify solutions will be better if you are open and honest about what you are going through.

Here's a special tips for our students hope this will help you to conquer your battles revolving around you.

  1. Follow a fixed schedule to focus properly

Exercise – do more of yoga, aerobics and engage yourself in brain games for better concentration and retention power.

Healthy and balanced diet – diet which is rich in Vitamin – C and Zinc to boost the immunity.

Sleep Hygiene – develop a habit of sleeping for 8 hours a day.

2. Have a family circle

Develop a home environment where you feel safe and surrounded by your loved ones

Engage yourself in activities that involve all the family members of your house.

Have fun together exercise together eat together and do everything in collectively.

3. practice Gratitude

Be grateful for everything that life shows and offers you with. Gratitude involves positivity and containment in life.

4. practice mindfulness

Meditate as much as possible follow the breathing and exercise regularly.

5. intellectual wellness

Feed your mind with positive thoughts

Read books

Write what you feel

6. Maintain a habit of writing diary

Diary will let you to vent out your mind from stress and will provide you relief

Diary will help you to develop a non-judgmental and a non-threating space for yourself.Diary writing forges creativity.

When you decide to seek help, schedule an appointment with Dr. Bakshi.

Click 'BOOK NOW' to book your appointment.


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