Alternative therapy is any practice that is used to prevent and cure any disease.
Alternative therapy can be used for treatment of -
A. Mental disease -
Stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, OCD
B. Emotional factors -
Sadness, anger, PTSD, grief, fear or phobia, worry, sexual abuse, hatred, feeling loneliness, lack of love, relationship problems, addiction and illness
Emotional healing is possible to regain health and happiness.
There are different types of emotional healing that uncover and clear the root cause.
C. Physical diseases -
Female diseases - PCOD, menopausal syndrome, scanty or no periods, painful periods, uterus fibroid
Heart problems
Blood disorders-diabetes, SGOT, etc.
Bones, back pain etc.
Alternative therapies for healing in different ways -
Acceptance commitment therapy
Cognitive analytic therapy
Cognitive distortions
Work-core beliefs
Existential counselling
Psycho dynamic counselling
Narrative therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Multi model therapy
Dialectical behaviour therapy
Neurolinguistic programming
Emotional freedom technique
Aura cleansing and deep healing
Theta healing
Energy healing modality
Magnified healing
Delta healing
Karuna and Reiki healing