Karma is a SANSKRIT word which means action, work, or deed. It also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect.
The principle of karma states that intent and actions of an individual (cause) can influence the future of that individual (effect).
Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.
As we all say, what you do will come back to you whether it is good or bad. That is what karma is.
Your karma is something as what you do & the way other people react is their karma. Every person has their own karma.
Action, memories and desire are the karmic software that on your life.
Every karma must be your fruit.
Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.
Nothing is accidental, the whole physical existence is happening between causes and consequences.
Karma creates memories and desires which then determine how you live.
In our past lives, we have done numerous deeds, both good and bad.
Good deeds create positive karma, and the bad ones create negative karma. Positive karma will lead to good fortune and a blessed life. Negative karma will lead to misfortune and suffering.
Types of Karma
kriyamana or agami
Prarabdha karma is experienced through the present body and is only a part of sanchita karma which is the sum of one's past karmas.
Agami karma is the result of current decisions and actions.
A Karmic cycle is the repetitious pattern of events, emotions or realisations that occur in your life.
What is Karmic Debt?
Karmic debt is the pattern in your life that is being repeated and they are typically bad patterns or unresolved issues in your life.
You will never understand the damage you did to another person until the same is done to you.
How can you know if you have karmic debt?
You can do karmic cleaning also with deep cleansing and healing. It is the process of cleansing one’s conscience by soliciting pardon from all living beings
This is your karma, you do not understand now but you will understand later.
Karmic lessons are the themes and situations that we did not learn from or mishandled in the past.
If someone treats other person badly, he or she will eventually be treated badly by someone else. So, you should not miss treat them.
What goes around comes around.
Counteract your past negativity with positive actions. If you are constantly stuck in life, make an effort to be kinder and more compassionate to yourself and others.
Identify the negative patterns in your life. Karma always hits you back but how badly it hits you depends upon the karmic intensity.
Buddhism believes in four noble truths.
the truth of suffering,
the truth of the cause of suffering,
the truth of the end of suffering
the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
Simply put, suffering exists, it has a cause, it has an end, and it has a cost to bring about it end.
Most important is the law of cause and effect.
It underlies the workings of all phenomena, positive thoughts, words and actions create positive effects in the lives of individuals and leads to happiness
Give yourself permission to recognise and except the feeling that have been triggered in you and welcome them. So, that you can create a new future and a better version of yourself free from the patterns of the past.
If you get to focus on past events, you will keep relieving them.
Who you are today is the result of your previous actions and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of your action today.
Every thing is energy including you your thoughts and emotions, which have energies in motion. Karma affects both one’s happiness and unhappiness.
Karmic relationship is one that is filled with all-consuming passion but it is extremely difficult to maintain. It’s filled with passion and turbulence.
Karmic soulmates come into your life to teach you something, transform you and then leave.
How do you destroy Karma?
Awareness, alertness, knowledge and deep cleansing healing will help erase past impressions. It has the strength to dissolve and destroy any karma and bring freedom.
Don’t take revenge. Let karma do all the work.