What are the four main emotions?
An emotion is a complex psychological state that involves three distinct components -
A subjective experience
A physiological response
A behavioural or expressive response
Emotions are the mental states brought on by neurophysiological change, various associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses.
Every emotional disturbance manifest as diseases. Emotion is also linked to behavioural tendency.
The mental wounds are closed and there is no significant pain.
Healing emotions and also changing negative thoughts will allow to assemble all the deep broken parts of oneself.
Signs of emotional suffering and distress -
Personality change in a way that seem different for that person
Withdrawl or isolation from others
Feeling helpless or hopeless
Becoming aggressive
Pulling away from people and things
Hopelessness or feeling of being overwhelmed and worthless
Watching a lot of the time, feeling guilty but not sure why
Eating or sleeping too much or too little
Avoiding family and friends
Having low or no energy
Anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, eating disease
Thinking of hurting or killing yourself or someone else
Psychotic disorders, panic attacks
Having difficulty concentrating
Crying spells or bursts of anger
Consider Emotional Healing
Emotional healing is a process of accepting all your painful life experiences and the negative emotional reactions which are generated from them.
It helps you to -
Deal with the distress immediately
Identify core issues with pain
Identify when the problem started
Seek support and don’t isolate yourself
Make a list of all issues you can remember
Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns
Triggers or life events
Forgive yourself and others
Find a good therapist. They can help you through the dark days probably better than anyone else. That is what they are trained to do.
Life really is better when you heal your distress. Just keep trying.
Don’t give up on yourself without trying for at least a couple of weeks.
We are powerful creators of our own life reality and we benefit from taking responsibility for our own emotions, health, happiness and healing.