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Transform your limiting old beliefs into a holistic beliefs system

Writer's picture: Dr BakshiDr Bakshi

In general, a belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.

Also, it is trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

How the belief system is formed?

Beliefs are conditioned perceptions or assumptions that are built upon our old memories of pain and pleasure.

How we interpret these experiences over time and attach those emotions with other people, places, situations etc. led to the creation of our belief system.

These are an important and integral part of humanity itself. We, humans, are capable of thinking beyond the ’here and now’ of our lives which has led to the creation of a wide range of belief systems, unique to the individual, that binds our day-to-day decisions.

Questions to ask yourself -

  • Am I feeling stuck in accomplishing my goals?

  • Do my decisions stop me from living the best version of my life?

  • Are there any assumptions or old memories that impact my decisions?

We have beliefs and belief systems.

1. Strong belief - an unshakeable belief in something without the need for proof or evidence.

Most of our beliefs are from the childhood age of 7 as the childhood conditioning is so strong.

Such experiences become our deep core beliefs which are very stable and most resistant to change.

2. Collective belief - is referred to when people speak of what 'we' believe when this is not simply elliptical for what 'we all' believe. These may be at the family, friends, society, religious entity levels, etc.

3. Adopted belief - is kind of acceptance of beliefs from others.

These may not be to specific to any particular issue.

Also, we may end up holding beliefs about ourselves and others.

We attract diseases to us in the same way that we draw other people to us through parallel belief systems.

Influence of our family, friends, surroundings, life experiences on our belief system

Some of us have had an accident while crossing a road. And now we hold the belief that crossing a road is dangerous, we automatically look both ways to make sure the street is clear before we cross. It has become an automatic response.

Similarly, we have countless beliefs that create automatic thoughts and responses. Many of these beliefs are true and serve us well.

But some of these beliefs negatively overshadow our logical and unbiased decision making process and hold us back from living a happy and content life.

When we have deeply-rooted beliefs that we cling to subconsciously, our minds will constantly look for proof to validate and bolster them. How we think, act, and feel is based upon these beliefs.

For example, if we believe that all dogs are dangerous (perhaps because our parents told us so when we were younger or we were bitten by the neighbour’s dog), we will do everything possible to avoid contact with dogs.

We might even take special notice every time we notice a dog growl and view it as evidence of how dogs are dangerous animals, and we feel afraid.

Conversely, we might even neglect to notice when a friendly dog wags its tail and approaches us in a docile manner.

Our parents and environment play a big part in moulding our beliefs from a very young age. Our school environment and our friends also play an important part.

Because we are unable to discern between truth and falsehood when we are really young, we often accept what we are told as truth. We are also greatly influenced by what we experience.

Beliefs can be empowering or limiting in nature.

Limiting or negative beliefs prevent us from fulfilling our true potential, hold us back, and give rise to negative thoughts and emotions.

Empowering or positive beliefs, on the other hand, allow us to act resiliently, believe in ourselves, and invoke positive thoughts and emotions.

In a sense, our beliefs create our sense of reality.

How these can be transformed through use of therapy (CBT, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and healing ?

The physical body is a manifestation of how the emotional body and mind have engaged with each other and stored our experience of life .

Unexpressed emotional and associated beliefs cause chronic injury within the body our bodies express our dis-ease!

Everything we possess in our inner world will also be cncountered in outer world. Because the outer world mirror our inner consciousness.

It is a mirror of our internal state and in order to heal we must first clean our internal stress.

Our emotions and thoughts are largely governed by beliefs which we can change.

And we can heal our lives by clearing out the negative associated emotions.

There are various healing models.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behaviour and emotions.

Cognitive behaviour therapy can be used as a short-term treatment to help individuals learn to focus on present thoughts and beliefs.

And eventually, restructure your belief systems in a way that they support you in achieving your goals.

It help us to transform our beliefs in the fastest way possible, the mind begins to dissolve old programs and to organize new one.

Steps to get you started -

(1) choose your desired outcome,

(2) question the validity of your limiting belief,

(3) create up your empowering belief, and

(4) alter your emotions, thoughts, and environment to match your new belief.

Some of the positive belief systems that will help you break the negative cycle -

  • It’s worth it.

  • I am important

  • I am possible

  • I always have a choice

  • I am free to experience and create happiness

  • I deserve it.

  • It’s my responsibility to make it happen

  • I have to overcome my challenges to live a better life

  • changes for old beliefs article


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