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Your Habits Will Determine Your Future.

Writer's picture: Dr BakshiDr Bakshi

You cannot change your future but you can change your habits and surely your habits will change your future.

What makes a life a healthy living life or what are the things which make you feel like life is worth living.

Habits are like a systematic seed of plants that we tend to follow to cultivate the best for our future life. Good habits determined healthy, positive, and well-functioning living whereas ill habits or bad habits tend to deteriorate the performance of our lives. It is solely upon us how we construct our build habits.

Here are proven methods which shows that habits will transform your physical as well as mental health.

1. Establish or build a purpose in life

Meaning is driven by purpose. You're driven to make things happen when you have a purpose, and you think it can alter the world for the better.

2. Take a good care of your emotional and mental health.

Taking a good care of your emotional and mental health is as beneficial as taking a care of your physical health as it strengthens your relationship through self and others.

3. Organise your tasks in day-to-day lives

Making a to-do list with your goals in mind will help you identify where you should spend time and where you can cut back. You'll always have to undertake boring household duties and laborious activities, so look for methods to outsource them. Then, to ensure that you complete it (yes, that means fitting in a workout or the brainstorming meeting you've been putting off), prioritise what will bring you the closest to your goals first.

4. Eat healthy food

Health improvements don't necessarily involve a radical change. A healthier lifestyle that is better for you all around usually starts as a succession of little habits and dietary tweaks. Don't concentrate on restricting your diet or eliminating certain food groups (that can lead to bingeing or an unhealthy relationship with food). Alternatively, include leafy greens in at least two daily meals: When dining out, ask for a side salad and include spinach and kale in your spaghetti sauce.

5. Read re–read

Reading books is a fantastic method to expand your knowledge and inspire your imagination. Additionally, immersion reading enhances concentration and has a relaxing effect akin to meditation. Additionally, reading before bed can improve your quality of sleep. Particularly non-fiction books are a great way to extend your horizons, generate fresh ideas, and find the drive. Additionally, they provide helpful guidance on how to deal with a variety of difficult circumstances.

6. Have a good intake of a liquid that stays hydrated

More energy, clearer skin, and improved digestion are all advantages of drinking water. Of course, that does not imply that we always carry out our plans. Why not develop the practice of consuming more water throughout the day or a glass of water first thing every morning? Consider drinking 8 glasses of water every day as a terrific approach to energise your body rather than as a punishment.

7. Be an early riser

Your day's trajectory can be significantly impacted by getting up early. Of course, this does not imply that you must be up at five every morning. But developing the habit of rising early in the morning is a great one that will pay off handsomely.

You have more time to finish your morning to-do list and create the most effective daily routine when you rise early. A fantastic habit to form is to even wake up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than usual. Even if it might not seem like much, it's a start and will give you more time back in the day so that your schedule won't overwhelm you.

8. Engage yourself in some physical exercises

A daily routine of physical activity can transform your life. We shouldn't sit all day without getting up and moving around. A 2019 Mayo Clinic study found that persons who sit for eight hours a day without engaging in any physical activity had a death risk that is comparable to those who smoke or are fat.

9. Never forget self-care

You are, surprisingly, your most valuable resource. Above all else, we must care for ourselves. Make sure you schedule time each day for self-care. It could be something as straightforward as meditation, prayer, reading, journaling, or even simply concentrating on a personal objective unrelated to your job. Set aside time for your interest projects as well.

Self-care emphasises your physical and mental well-being. We shouldn't overwork ourselves and should always keep our health in mind.

10. Practice Gratitude

The most crucial aspect of life is practicing gratitude being thankful for whatever life offers to you. Consider yourself privileged for everything that comes to your life. Embrace the positives and discourage the negatives of life.

It will be simpler to continue once you observe where your new habits lead you and how your life transforms. Over time these habits are not termed as habits they become an integral aspect or component of life.

11. Provide Unconditional Love

Aim to give out unconditional love to yourself and accept yourself as the way you are and not what others want you to be.

12. Financial Independence

Gain financial independence which is very important to organise your account liabilities and get an overview of your assets.

13. Stop Comparing

Do not compare yourself with others. Try not to discourage yourself and encourage others in your eyes. Emphasise your goals, aspirations, and growth which can add to your growth don’t build a road of failure for yourself by comparison.

14. Communication Openly

Being a social person in a social environment helps you to meet new people, interact with new people and gain different perceptions of life. Try to focus on the good things about people rather than the bad.

15. Maintain Boundaries of Personnel Space

Have open communication no issues with that but you should to have your boundaries and guidelines or say principles to follow which further makes you unique in yourself.

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection – Mark Twin

When you decide to seek help, schedule an appointment with Dr. Bakshi.


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