Geetu, United States of America
I am very thankful to Anjana for healing me. I was going through a very tough time, with family issues. I lost my confidence and felt like I was getting into depression. Thanks to a friend for recommending me to her. At first I thought how could someone heal me long distance since I lived in USA. But still had to try this healing coz I was in a very bad shape mentally. I gained my confidence and got out of depression after being healed by Anjana. I started looking at things in a very positive way and would recommend anyone who is feeling depressed or is giving up on life to Anjana, coz she really can help them get out of that low phase and towards a positive side of life. Thank you Anjana. God bless you.
2. I felt very confident n positive after being healed by Anjana. Then in 2012 I had come to India for a cousin's wedding. There I met my cousin Sunita ( the first one in the pic below) who was going through a very rough divorce. I couldn't bear to see her in that state. She was mentally very disturbed and couldn't understand what she was doing or saying. I recommended her to Anjana for healing ( again being long distance coz Sunita lived in pune). Anjana healed her and very soon she got her positive results for the divorce. Today it's so good to see her happy n confident. Thank you Anjana. God bless you.
3. In 2013 my mom fell down n started bleeding from the forehead. We thought it was just a minor little thing, but the bleeding wouldn't stop coz she was on blood thinners. So we finally took her to the doctor n he helped stopped the bleeding, which later in a couple days turned into a blood clot. My mom started getting these seizures where she wouldn't be able to talk as though she had a stroke. She kept getting these everyday about 3-4 times a day. Finally when she was admitted in the hospital we were told she had 2 blood clots near the brain which was the cause of the seizures. I panicked since I was in USA and she in pune, so I called Anjana and explained everything to her and she started mom's healing and the strangest things happened. The doctors couldn't find the clot as though it had dissolved. But we were very concerned about mom's health so we took her to a different doctor and hospitals being commercialized they asked us to undergo a surgery. After a lot of thought my dad said we go forward with the surgery. But after the surgery my mom wouldn't move or have any reaction from the medicines. I called Anjana again and after her healing my mom started to move around and react to medications within 2 days and today she is doing just fine. Anjana healed my mother for about a year and my mom and my entire family are grateful to her. Thank you Anjana. God bless you.